Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lecture Notes, Thursday, July 24: Faerie Queene Book 3 Cantos 10-12

24 July 2008

English 3I06 / The Age of Elizabeth

Faerie Queene Book 3 Cantos 10-12

Canto 10
*The transformation of Malbecco into “Gealousie”
*Paridell seduces Hellenore, runs away with her
*Thanks to Malbecco’s “halfen eye” (5)
*Hellenore sets fire to Malbecco’s wealth, 12-13
*Malbecco’s conflict, 14-15
*Malbecco offers money to Braggadoccio and Trompart, 28-9
*they find Paridell, 35
*Hellenore’s fate, 36
*Malbecco witnesses Hellenore’s new activities, 44-50
*his resemblance to a goat, 47
*his final transformation, 57-60

Canto 11
*Britomart chases Ollyphant, to no avail, finds Scudamore
*Scudamore’s description of his problem, 11
*Only Britomart can get past the flames blocking entry to Busirane’s castle, 21-26
*Scudamore’s impatience, 27
*the portraits of love, ending at 46
*51-52 the next room, relics of love
*the riddle of “be bold”, 50, 54

Canto 12
*the masque of Cupid
*the entrance of the chorus, 3, 4
*Amoret arrives, 19-21
*Cupid as ???, 22-24
*next day: Britomart infiltrates the inner chamber, 30
*she defeats Busirane, taking his knife
*Amoret’s curse is lifted, 36-38
*38 “a perfect hole”
*alternate endings??? – the 1596 negative ending; original 1590 ending: why?

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